Friday, September 13, 2013

Safe Driver Tips Friday 13

Hey fellow local Drivers:
 Today's topic will be on aggressive drivers and cooperating with traffic.

We see them all the time speeding up the side of the road to get around everyone once the light turns green. Screaming in their car at other drivers. Making swift left hand turns in front of you on the opposite side of the traffic just before the light turns green....

How to avoid aggressive drivers and when to make the right move.

 Keep an eye in your rear view mirror for swift lane shifting and hard breaking drivers, you'll want to avoid them or give yourself a larger space cushion. Allow them the space to do what they want, this prevents damage from you and your vehicle. eventually they get caught by the law.

If an aggressive driver maneuvers in front of you or around you just to race to a red light, don't even acknowledge them. Pull up to the light and wait for it to turn green because they want you to say something. Don't allow them to get under your skin, its probably the reason their car is all dented up anyway lol.  That brings up another point, you'll want to look out for car that are dented, scratched, missing mufflers,rundown,tented windows, Chevy Impalas, crown vic's Chryslers 300,lifted pick-ups over sized wheels, loud stereo systems, Pontiac bonnevilles, lesabres and I am sure theirs more, but those are most common in Philly.

When to make your move

 If they are about to do something that could cause a dangerous situation such as pulling in your space cushion or cutting you off which would limit breaking distance.Something that would cause safe driving to be hazardous or make you feel uncomfortable.
Most common is when someone is passing you on the right because they want to get around you and another vehicle. this usually sparks an aggressive pattern.Your best move I would suggest is speeding up blocking them out.Don't allow them to make your space cushion unsafe. 
This come with experience, theirs a time to make this move and a time to let them have the road. You will develop this sense over time as you drive.
*Don't allow others make you an aggressive driver, breathe move away from them.*

Cooperating with traffic:
Being an effective safe driver this is a key park of it. As long as you're following the rules of the road, you're allow yourself to be a safer driver. An example of this is when you're on a 3 lane highway that merges into two. What causing more of a backup is people not letting people in. We are all in a hurry, but if someone is legitimately trying to get in, let them in.ex; this is pretty common, if your on a highway and their is construction and 2 lanes are blocked and you need to get over. The cause for traffic is because no one will let the next driver in. Doing so, would create a smoothing traffic patterns.Even if 1-2 people cut in front of you, keep your cool continue driving force the last person to merge behind you. 1-2 cars is enough to mellow out congestion.This is one step to cooperating with traffic, we all have to get somewhere, but working together keeps the aggression down. If you see one of those aggressive drivers forcing their way up the side just to cut in front of everyone block him out! This is plan disrespect and is dangerous. Someone might not seem him causing them to be startled or side swipe another vehicle. I typically force them to merge behind me because your setting a standard of driving correctly.

Let the elderly merge safely then when it is safe to do so pass them. accidents are most common when trying to over take another vehicle while merging.let them merge and settle in then make your move.Don't try to pass slower driver on the right, most likely they want to get over. don't upset the balance of cooperating with traffic. Pull up behind them, flick your high beams communicating with the other driver you want to get by.(since it is illegal to pass on the right) So, overall learn to cooperate even if other drivers are assholes, They will learn the hard way, just remember the law owns the road.

Always expect the unexpected!

see you next week for a new topic!

Learn from a few videos of what not to do
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What happens when you try to overtake at the wrong time

 What not to do....

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